Goal Clarity vs. Aiming at Nothing - Ziglar

“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” This quote is from Zig Ziglar, who was an American Author and motivational speaker.
One of the best things about making no goals, is that you’ll never fail to reach a goal.
One of the worst things about making no goals, is that you’ll never fail to reach a goal.
Yes, never failing at a goal is both one of the best and worst parts of having no goals at all.
If you never set a goal, yes, you will never fail at achieving one…
…but you’ll also likely be living a less-than life.
Goals help you get what you want. Goals help you become who you want to be.
You, and your loved ones, deserve the most vibrant version of yourself…not some watered-down one!
Setting clear goals that align with your purpose, fast-tracks your ability to get what you want and to become the person you want to be.
Here’s one way to help you create clear goals that matter to you, not goals you, or someone else, thinks you should have.
- Think of a current pain point in your life. It could be something physical, financial, spiritual, mental…
- Identify one goal that could stop or lesson this pain.
- Write down what specifically will have changed after you’ve reached your goal.
- Take a moment to envision this positive change. Feel the excitement of having achieved this goal!
- Commit to taking one action today towards achieving this goal.
- Reward yourself after you’ve done your action step!
- Commit to taking one action each week and schedule the time in your calendar or planner for when you’ll work towards this goal.
- Each week, take one step towards your goal during the scheduled time, and reward your efforts.
- After you’ve achieved your goal…celebrate! Enjoy the amazing feeling resulting from your actions!
Please note: There might be times when your efforts move you away, rather than towards your goals. This is a natural part of the process. Take a moment to reassess what to do. Take a break. Then, start fresh to get back on track.
Yay! You’re creating clear goals…to help you aim for what you truly want!
I’d love to hear how you used this tool with a quick email to [email protected]!
Wishing you ☀️❤️☮️🎉! Alicia
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