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I Have a Course I’d Like to Share With You

Visualize a fun, step-by-step system that empowers you to take decisive action, get things done, and boost your clarity and confidence. What if this system could be learned through a short online course, helping you make those impactful changes you've been striving for? Want to know more? Let me tell you more about this course.. and a bit about me...

Hi! I’m Alicia Mlsna, Founder of SuccessfilledTM. I founded SuccessfilledTM, because I want to help you live a successfully-fulfilled, Epic Life! I believe one of the best ways to do this is through having clarity. Clarity allows you to take action and experience those things that speak to your soul... your purpose, that you’ve been pushing aside by procrastinating.

It’s through purposeful action, that you transform not only your life, but also your belief in who you are, and what you can accomplish.

Here are some of the ways I’ve helped my clients prove to themselves how mentally, emotionally, and physically strong and effective they are.

I’ve assisted clients to lose weight, get back on track, and maintain their health and fitness goals. I’ve guided other clients to create strategies and tactics, to successfully navigate challenging relationship discussions and issues. And I’ve helped clients whose job or career search had stalled, to devise a game plan, and take the action to make it happen.

I’m someone who loves step-by-step systems and tools. I use them personally, and I love teaching others about them. It’s a great feeling to be more efficient and effective with time, energy, and other resources, so you can get results faster...and have more time to play!

As you might have guessed, I also love having fun! Because of that, my course incorporates fun! Fun rewards are designed to incentivize you to take the initial action, and to continue to take the necessary steps to reach your goals.

Also, intentionally incorporating fun in your life, helps you live from a place of joy and abundance, rather than from pain or fear. Feeling more energized and happier overall, also helps you become more resilient, so you bounce back more quickly during the times you experience challenging moments. Not bad, right?

Using my experience, research, and knowledge as a Certified Professional Coach, Reiki Master Practitioner, MBA, and Educator, I developed the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course to help you…take action!

I’m offering the online From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course, during which you’ll learn a step-by-step procrastination-busting system, which helps you focus on your most important tasks…instead of chasing shiny objects…and includes rewards as an integral part of the process!


Here’s the Offer for This Course

Since I like knowing up-front what the investment will be, here it is. The investment amount for this procrastination-busting, online course is: $197.

Now, that’s out of the way. Let’s move on to how this step-by-step, fun-focused system can help you take action!


How This Step-by-Step System Can Work for You

Procrastination is a short-term, immediate stress reliever. That’s why you procrastinate. It’s NOT because of a character flaw or a lack of willpower.

Stress relief is the immediate benefit, or result, you receive from procrastinating. Unfortunately, although procrastination helps relieve stress in the short-term, it usually contributes to long-term pain. If procrastination didn’t have this negative, long-term effect due to inaction, there wouldn’t be a need to change this habit…but it does.

Fortunately, a procrastination habit, like any other habit, can be changed. When you know my system’s steps, you can change the procrastination habit cycle of the short-term gain resulting in long-term pain, with BOTH short and long-term GAINS!

Through my step-by-step system, you can start reaching your dream goals, which have been pushed aside, because of your procrastination. Think about how amazing it’s going to feel after you’ve reached those goals! Think of the confidence you’ll have knowing that if you’ve reached one goal by following a system, you can use that same system to reach others!


Now at this point, you might be wondering, how is this system any different from other things I’ve tried to stop procrastinating?

Let me tell you. To create this system, I’ve incorporated the methods, research, and tools I’ve used to help my clients get the results their procrastination was blocking. My clients not only accomplished the goals they promised themselves, and others, they would reach, but they also gained the knowledge, tools, and a step-by-step system to continue to create a life full of meaning, success, and love!

Here’s what some of them are saying…


What People Are Saying



"I've been familiar with coaching for decades. Alicia is fully present, asking pertinent questions with the intention of getting the big picture of my goal, my motivators and useful, manageable steps to guide me toward that goal or vision.

She also helped me set up a plan for moments when I felt triggered to return to old, unproductive habits, so I could stay focused on the new habits, using my motivators and larger vision.

I highly recommend coaching, especially with Alicia!"

Deb had developed unhealthy eating patterns, and was procrastinating on exercising. Through coaching, we worked together to create eating, exercising, and potential pitfall plans, and she had the incredible results of losing 10 pounds during her first week!



"I have been working with Alicia for a couple of months now, and doing Reiki sessions with her has been a true eye-opener.

I was skeptical at first about Reiki, but she has completely changed my perception.

Alicia has helped me to relieve physical pain and tension, and release and resolve issues that were holding me back. I now feel more focused, relaxed yet more energetic, and I am making positive changes in various areas of my life.

I'm a very happy client and I can't recommend her services highly enough."

Caroline had both reiki and coaching with me. Through coaching, she followed the steps we discussed and got a new job, and via reiki, she experienced relief from joint pain and tension which also helped her sleep better.



"Like most people, I have multiple competing demands that exceed the capacity for my time. I had coaching with Alicia to address stress, and to achieve more balance in my life, and I'm glad I did.

The coaching program gave me techniques for examining the challenges in my life as an aggregate, rather than reacting to each individual situation. This allowed me to allocate my time in an efficient and effective manner. I use these techniques daily for both stress management and time planning."

Glenn uses the techniques he learned daily. He has lowered his stress levels, improved his already sharp time planning skills, and created a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle.


Something to Consider

How would it feel to wake up to a life you love?


Here’s What You Get

Since you’ve reached this point, you might have one...hundred... or so it seems... things on your to-do list that you need to accomplish. Or... you might want a system to clarify how to best prioritize your list...

Either way, this step-by-step system can help you decisively work your way through your tasks and projects, with greater confidence and clarity.

First off, when you join the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course you get:

  • Online modules for each of the steps in the step-by-step system, to help you take action with clarity and confidence…while using fun rewards!
  • Videos for each part of the course, starting with an overview of the system, and then videos which teach each of the steps.
  • Worksheets providing step details and space to work on the steps.


Did I Mention the Bonus?

There’s also a surprise bonus…to help even more…because bonuses are fun!


Here Are Some of the Benefits

Through this practical and tactical system, you’ll:

  • Gain clarity by identifying the most important tasks you need to do each day…to help you avoid chasing shiny objects…and to optimize your time and resources.
  • Learn how to identify and use rewards to make unappealing tasks, more fun…to get them done. And, to use fun rewards as incentives along the way to maintain your progress and reach your goals.
  • Relieve procrastination-related stress through a proven method.


I’ll show you all of that in the From Procrastination to Decisive Action course.

The bottom line is that by going through the course you’ll come away with a system to help you push past procrastination…in a fun and effective way.


Here’s How You Sign Up

So go ahead and click the button below and get the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course.

Click Here for the Course!
Something to Consider

How might it feel to confidently tackle your to-do list, while saving time and resources?


Your Step-by-Step System Is a Click Away

If you’re ready to take decisive action, so you can create an Epic Life and truly live and fulfill your purpose, for yourself and your loved ones, then your next step is to click the order button and join the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course.


Here’s the Guarantee

You have a full 7 days to see if the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course is right for you. That means you can try out a full week, to see if it’s right for you. If you determine that it isn't, just let me know, and I’ll gladly refund your money. No hassles. No hard feelings.


One last thing…

I don’t have amazing powers to instantly transform you into a confident action taker, instead of a procrastinator, but I have created a step-by-step system to help you become one. You create a successfully-fulfilled life through action. This system not only helps you gain clarify and confidence, but it also incentivizes you to take action...through fun!

I believe it’s important to enjoy this amazing ride called life! I think that when you do the things that make you feel happy, joyful, and proud of who you are and how you’re showing up, you become a better version of yourself. You contribute to your purpose. The purpose you were born to fulfill in this lifetime. The purpose to help you learn and grow…and to contribute to the world in a way that only you can.

One of the things this journey of discovery has resulted in the From Procrastination to Decisive Action course. This system can be applied successfully over and over, so you can take the action you promised yourself and others you would.

If you’re ready to take decisive action...and fulfill your purpose, then your next step is to click the order button below and get the From Procrastination to Decisive Action online course.

This is your time. Your time to believe in yourself and your purpose. Your time to create an amazing life and future. There has never been a better moment… but you have to act now... 

It's time to stop the pain caused by your procrastination... and craft your Epic Life!

Enroll in the From Procrastination to Decisive Action course, and say yes to taking clear, decisive action.

Click the button below and join me now. This is your time, and I'd love to help you take action with clarity and confidence!


It’s Your Choice       

You have a big decision to make. I can’t make it for you… the only thing I can do is tell you that you can go From Procrastination to Decisive Action through this course. 

My clients have used the materials in this system to get results they previously struggled to achieve.

If you don’t take action now, how will your life be different?

Click the button below now and I'll see you in the course…

Click to Access the Course!